The Blue Pig
Short horror tale I wrote and illustrated back on 2016, Produced and delightfuly edited by Doyle Club.
Layout: Paz Gutiérrez Guerinoni / Supervision: Diego Arias Asch / Printed in Printea, Costa Rica 2016

Cleverclip - Blog Post Illustrations
Working at Cleverclip I used to do illustrations for Cleverclip's blog posts, this are some of the ones I enjoyed the most doing:

Coyote Kid - Illustration for brand launch
Illustration for Coyote Medio, a Costa Rican based video production brand, back in 2007 it was called Coyote Kid.

Cut Out Fest - Illustration for crowdfunding campaign
This illustration was made as part of a 2014 crowdfunding campaing to save the mexican experimental animation festival CutOut Fest. The campaing was successfully backed and the festival continues being the most awesome animation festival in spanish speaking Latin America.