2d animation, design & short film direction show reel.
The song is ABEJAS by Neliero.

Reel breakdown:

00:00 - Elsewhere album release teaser. Concept, direction, animation. 
00:03 - Momento Bien, self produced short film. Concept, animation, music. 
00:06 - Nobaweb. Concept, animation, storyboard and production in collaboration with Sueter Studio.
00:11 - Animated Bumper for 'Screenshot' a costa rican music video compilation. Concept, animation. 
00:14 - Simple Contabilidad. Character design, storyboard and animation in collaboration with Sueter Studio.
00:20 - Festival Integrarte. The UN Refugee Agency in Costa Rica. Character design and animation. 
00:22 - Alberto Cañas National Narrative Award video teaser. Produced by Sueter Studio. Storyboard, part of the 2d and 3d animation. 
00:25, 00:29, 00:34 - Chaves in the photo. Short film commissioned by the Bielefeld University. Direction and animation. 
00:27, 00:38  - Funeral. Graduation project. Concept, direction and animation.
00:31 - Bang Bang Bang video production company. 2d animated logo.
 00:32 - Eureka season 03. 'Teatro Girasol' episode. Animation.
 00:37 - Indomable Music Video. Direction, animation.

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